Looking to hire Mountain Bike, Kayak or Pedal Boat?


You are responsible for any loss or damage to equipment hired You are aware of your abilities while undertaking this activity You will monitor and supervise any children under the age of 12 years in your care You agree to wear the Australian standard Helmet supplied while riding the bike You are not under the influence of drugs (other than prescribed by your GP) You are not under the influence of alcohol As the representative of your group, you agree to advise your group of these requirements of hire and participation There are RISKS associated with the activity you are about to engage in with the use of equipment that you are about to hire from W.C & A.J GEISLER. You agree that you fully understand and acknowledge that (a) push bike activities have inherent risks, dangers and hazards (b) participation in such activities and/or use of such equipment may result in injury (c) these risks and dangers may be caused by the negligence of the owners, employees, officers or agents of W.C & A.J GEISLER, the negligence of participants, accidents, breaches of contract, the forces of nature or other causes. Risks and dangers may arise from foreseeable or unforeseeable causes including, but not limited to weather, risk of falling off the bicycle and such other risks, hazards and dangers that are integral to recreational activities that take place in an outdoor recreational environment. W.C &A.J GEISLER only hires bicycles and equipment on the understanding that each client acknowledges the risks involved and agrees to indemnify and reimburse ‘W.C & A.J GEISLER or its proprietors, servants or agents against any incident or omission that may adversely affect them or a third party or property during the hire. By my participation in these activities and/or use of equipment, I hereby assume all risks and dangers and all responsibility for any losses and/or damages, whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other conduct of the owners, agents, officers, or employees of W.C & A.J GEISLER, or by any other person, including myself.· I confirm that I am in good health, not under the influence of any drugs (other than prescribed medication) or alcohol of any kind and am capable of pursuing the sport of bike riding and that my participation in this activity is voluntary, I/We also agree to wear a properly secured approved helmet, as provided, at all times I accept full responsibility for all adults and children accompanying me during the bicycle activity